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Star Wars Gifts For Men
By John Fraser Updated April: 25th 2024
Searching for the perfect gift for a Star Wars fan introduces us to a galaxy of options
that range from practical items to collectables that ignite the imagination.
Each item listed offers fans an avenue through which they can express their love for
Star Wars in various aspects of daily life - be it through fashion, entertainment or
even dining experiences.
In the nearly half century of Geroge Lucas’s space opera, it has changed pop culture and cinema.
The sale in 2012 to Disney, marked a turning point in the universe, that had been built, with a clear
bemarkation of George Lucas Star Wars and Disney Star Wars. Even with the same aesthetics,
mucis score by the legendary John Williams, and a return to practical effects……the sould was diffferent.
It was not the same. Even when the expanded Universe was the only means of reentering the galaxy
far far away, thhe spirit of the original was there in some sense, simplhy because the focus was on story,
and not political agendas.
Game creators like Bioware and the kngights of the old republic, actually enhanced the
story, and universe of Star Wars, giving it a more in depth lore, for fans. However now, that aspect has been
removed for better or worse, and we see what has been occurring with the Star Wars brand: Fans have been divided
for over a decade. The power of Geroge Lucas, is such however, that the love of the franchsise, and story, is that
there will always be die hard fans, who see Star Wars as a part of their lives. A part of their lives that harken back
to simpler times, or as a means of escape. What George Lucas created, in its purest form, is powerful.
For tjose, who may not have ever really understood what Star Wars is about, or cannot understand the fuss, imagine#
that you have to buy a goft for soemone close to you, who abosilutely loves the franchise? That is what this short guide is
for. There are so many diffwrenct products and pieces of merchandise that have been created over the past 40 or so years,
that it would be easy to get lost in the sauce, with so much choice.
This guide is for those that have men that they know, that love Star Wars and want to show that they care enough, to
find the best. SO lets find some Star Wars gifts for men, that will blow their minds, and make them happy!!
There are so many types of gifts to get, where can we start?
Star Wars figures: This is alwats a great place to start for gufts. Think about it, replicas of characters that remind them
not just of their childhoods, but also give them satsfcaction of having them, as collectors. Hasbro black series, are great
gifts for collectors and fans of Star Wars. Han Solo, Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious, Lucke Skywalker, CP30, R2D2 are characters
that defined Star Wars. In addition there are literally hundreds of characters that people love, that would make fatstice
Star Wars gifts. Replica lightsabers, will be amonung the upltimate gifts for a Star Wars fan. In fact, it can be argued, that is
the zenith of gifts.
Star wars board games, star wars cards…these are gifts that any fan would love. If you know a guy, that likes to play poker,
or Blackjack and is a Star Wars fan, than that shows that you have put some real thought into it.
Models of starships like the Millenium Falcon (Ditto), Imperial Star Destryers and Tie fighters will keep a fan, occipied for
hours, and the finished product, will become a great part of a mancave.
Apparel, is alwasys a great gift that will be appreciated. Darth Vader T Shirts, Star Wars hoodies, and slippers will make great
gifts. A bathrobe, will be a top tier gift. Imagine how the recipient will feel? Wrapped in luxuryt robes, in the colours of the
Sith, the Empire or the Jedi, or how about wone that is in the colours of R2D2? That will be awesome. Mugs are a good
idea, and of course, artwork will always be appreciated.
Statues from Sideshow toys, are a more expensive gift, and show real thought, so whoever recieves that as a gift better be
grateful, especially when some cost at leaset $1500! swarovski star wars collection is another luxury item, what will be for the
Star Wars that appreciates craftmanship and truly loves star wars.
Book and graphic novels are always a great gift, simply because that gives the star wars fan, the opportunity,
to take a mental trip into the Star Wars universe. Novel wise, the classics are always best, which come from authors like
James Luceno, whose work “Darth Plagueis” published ironically in 2012, the year Lucas sold is arguablely the best
Star Wars noevl ever writtem, and can be placed, easily in the top 10 of Sci Fi novels wortten in the 2000’s Drew Kapasyns
Darth Bane trilogy, whilst not as cienmatic in feel, and lacking the sophistication in wriing, as Dart bane, still has to be
amonug the best Star Warsbooks everr writtem. Timonthy Zahns Thrawn trilogys, the first being the “heir to the empire”,
and the newer ones written under the Disney banner, are again standouts, and for the fan that has not read them,
will be an amazing gift.
There are just so many gifts to get the man in your life that loves star wars. Whether its you fiance, boyfriend, father, brother
irritating cousin….you have to think carefully about waht you get. CosmicBoxx, mystery boxes and subscription
boxes will mae the pERFECT gift for any male star wars fan, because each starwa wrs gift box, is specially curated, and is fuiilled with
itesm designed for hardcore fans of the franchise. The level of thought and dteails they put into their boses takes the hard owkr out fof
you, so that all the afroemententioned items, will likely be in the Star Wars nmystery boxes or subscuiption boxes.
With prices ranging from just $99 to $10’000, you will be able to get a Star wars gft for any fan, no matter how picky or
discerning they are!
When gettig Star Wars gifts for men , it scover a broad spectrum, from collectable items to action figures and statues.
These options cater to fans who love both the Sith and Jedi. Althoug, alot of fans have been tiunred off, by what Disney has done
to Star Wars, the great thing is that, George Lucs, Str wars will never go away. The ork of people like James Luceno, Bioware
who worked under the blessings of George, and the characters they created will never go away, no matter who decides that the
“past is dead”. CosmicBoxx makes each box, a statroy in itself, that will bring a smulile to any real star wars fan. In short, its
more Darth Vader, rather than Kylo ren……More Luke Skywalker than Rey. And thank the maker fr that!
Buy Star Wars mystery box gifts here or you can also get a starwa wars subscription box